Candidate pledge: Just EU Trade Policy Now!
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Pledge on just EU trade policy
I want trade justice: trade that works for people and the planet while also considering animal protection. That means I pledge to:
- Reject climate-wrecking, hazardous trade deals like EU-Mercosur that promote detrimental working conditions.
At the moment, trade deals destroy decent jobs and put pressure on wages, damage the planet and particularly hurt countries in Latin America, Asia and Africa. We need a new approach to trade that puts people and the planet first instead of serving corporate interests. In order to accomplish this, workers rights and the associated standards must be a priority. - Support trade that promotes environmentally-friendly local food systems that have high animal welfare standards, and thereby shortening supply chains and increasing food sovereignty.
Family farmers, communities and small businesses benefit from re-localising trade, instead of big business and agro-industry using exploitative methods and hiding all the profits in tax havens. - Create new rules to stop the export of products that are being banned in the EU.
European companies should not be making profits selling hazardous pesticides and other toxic products to other countries. - Scrap corporate tribunals in trade and investment deals.
Fossil fuel companies and others are using these corporate tribunals outside of the national legal system (formally called ISDS or ICS) to sue states for billions of Euros when climate and other public interest policies harm their profits. - Support transparency and democracy in trade deals.
Ensure public interest groups and unions from all the countries involved in a trade deal have a seat at the negotiation table and a strong voice throughout the negotiation process. Splitting trade deals to circumvent scrutiny of national and regional parliaments and shut out critical voices of EU member States is unacceptable.