To change a BIT is not enough
On the need to create sound policy frameworks for investment. By Burghard Ilge, Both Ends, September 2015 The international legal system that governs international investment flows is shaped by a network of about 3000 Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs) and other…
Socialising Losses, Privatising Gains
How Dutch investment treaties harm the public interest Dutch investment treaties (BITs) are frequently used by foreign companies to sue governments in the North and South for policies that might harm their future profits. In 75 per cent of the Dutch BIT cases…
The case of Newmont Mining vs Indonesia
Netherlands – Indonesia BIT rolls back implementation of new Indonesian mining law The case of Newmont Mining vs Indonesia is a powerful example of how investment agreements are used by companies to get exemptions from government regulations and legislation, undermining…
BITs that bite into budgets: will the EP let private lawyers decide?
Public discussion of civil society with MEPs, Council & Commission Tuesday, February 26th 2013, – Résidence Palace – International Press Centre, Brussels – The European Union has acquired exclusive competence to negotiate international investment agreements such as Bilateral Investment Treaties…
Intra-EU Bilateral Investment Treaties – A test for European Solidarity
Corporations in Western Europe are suing Central and Eastern European countries at international arbitration tribunals through a vast web of intra-EU Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs). Yet while the European Commission has questioned the validity of these BITs, Netherlands, Germany, and…
The dark side of Investment Agreements
Movements around the world have put the spotlight on bailouts and tax evasion that have enriched the 1% at the expense of the 99% but this is only part of the picture. This popular video animation exposes how international investment…
Vattenfall vs Germany
In May 2012 the Swedish energy company Vattenfall filed a request for arbitration against Germany at the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), housed at the World Bank in Washington, , because of Germany´s decision to phase…
Dutch Bilateral Investment Treaties
A gateway to ‘treaty shopping’ for investment protection by multinational companies Multinational companies (MNCs) investing abroad have been using Dutch bilateral investment treaties (BITs) to sue host country governments for over 100 billion dollars for alleged damages to the profitability…