Civil Society Recommendations for the investment chapter of the revised EU-Mexico FTA
12 February, 2018 - Civil Society Recommendations for the investment chapter of the revised EU-Mexico FTA1 Download the PDF version (EN) (ES) To Mr. Ildefonso Guagardo, Secretary of Economy of Mexico Ms. Cecilia Malsmtröm, Trade Commissioner, European Union; Mr. José…
Investment Court System put to the test
New EU proposal will perpetuate investors’ attacks on health and environment Published by : Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, Corporate Europe Observatory, Friends of the Earth Europe, Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung (German Forum on Environment & Development) and the Transnational…
280 organisations from Europe, Canada and the US denounce the inclusion of investors’ rights in TTIP
Monday 22nd February, 2016 – Ahead of the 12th round of TTIP negotiations, 280 civil society organisations from across Europe, with the support of US and Canadian groups, have called on the European Commission and the United States Trade Representative…
Statement against Investor Protection in TTIP, CETA, and other trade deals
The undersigned call on the US, the EU, and Canada to exclude any form of Investor-State-Dispute Settlement from the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), from the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) and from all other trade and…
The Zombie ISDS
Rebranded as ICS, rights for corporations to sue states refuse to die Read the report in English / Read the executive summary in English, German, Spanish Published by: Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO), Association Internationale de Techniciens, Experts et Chercheurs (AITEC),…
ISDS: Courting foreign investors
Why the Commission’s proposal for an “Investment Court System” still fails to address the key problems of foreign investors’ privileges Analysis by the Seattle to Brussels Network Download the PDF-Version Summary The European Commission unveiled a draft text for a…