Learning session: green tech and trade rules
The green transition urgently needs a rollout and sharing of climate technologies - which is also a huge economic opportunity. Yet we see big business and powerful economies hoarding the licences and the instruction manuals. This forces the global South…
EU exits the ECT
Today the EU took the final decision to exit the climate-wrecking Energy Charter Treaty (ECT), with a final green light from the Council. This is a massive victory for activists across Europe who have been calling for this to happen…
Learning sessions
The European Trade Justice Coalition held a series of three learning sessions about issues on the cutting edge of trade policy and the way it impacts people and planet. From raw materials to green industrial development? Resource-rich countries in the…
Candidate pledge: Just EU Trade Policy Now!
Wahlversprechen auf deutsch / Pledge στα ελληνικά These candidates signed the pledge: they signed the Pledge on just EU trade policy I want trade justice: trade that works for people and the planet while also considering animal protection. That means…
European Parliament votes to exit climate-wrecking Energy Charter Treaty
Today the European Union took a step closer to exiting the high risk Energy Charter Treaty (ECT), when the European Parliament overwhelmingly voted to leave the treaty. This little known and outdated treaty is being used by the fossil fuel…
Solidarity with Mercosur Allies as President Milei Inaugurated in Argentina
As the self-proclaimed anarcho-capitalist, Javier Milei is sworn in as President of Argentina, who wants to cut social spending and labour rights and sign the EU-Mercosur trade agreement as soon as possible, movements and organizations from Europe express their solidarity…
Over 300 Parliamentarians reject Splitting of EU-Mercosur Trade deal!
Over 300 Parliamentarians reject Splitting of EU-Mercosur Trade deal! A letter signed by 305 Parliamentarians was published today, November 20 2023, calling on the European Commission to say no to Splitting the EU-Mercosur Trade deal. The move would change the…
Trade Union Speaker Tour and map of STOP EU-Mercosur Activities
The proposed EU-Mercosur trade deal has been widely criticized over its impact on the environment – but that’s not the only problem with it. The deal, between the European Union and the Mercosur countries (Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay) also…
New Legal Analysis: EU States remaining in ECT risk financial liability for EU decisions
The European Trade Justice Coalition, along with allies, has commissioned a new legal study on the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT): Photo by Antonio Feregrino on Unsplash The paper looks at the question of what will happen to EU Member States…
Civil society actions around the EU-CELAC summit, 17th and 18th of July – Conference, Protest, Strategy Meeting
During the EU-CELAC summit in Brussels in the 17th and 18th of July, the trade justice movement from Europe and Latin America came together. In parallel to the official summit between heads of the state from Latin America, the Caribbean…
An Attack on Democracy: New Legal Analysis on Splitting of EU-Mercosur Deal
A new legal analysis lifts the lid on an attempt by the European Commission to “split” the EU-Mercosur trade deal, in order to approve the ‘trade’ part of the deal without the unanimous support of EU member states and without…