TTIP and digital rights – Material

TTIP-copyrightThe following articles, reports, letters and papers were produced by a wide range of civil society organisations involved in the campaign against the EU – US trade agreement TTIP. They give an overview of existing analysis and debates on digital rights and TTIP.

For more information and news on digital rights check out the TTIP & Intellectual Property Rights section on

Trade and privacy, complicated bed fellows? How to achieve data protection-proof trade agreements (University of Amsterdam, 104 pages, July 2016)
Independent study on data protection and trade. Was commissioned by BEUC, EDRi, TQCD and CDD. This ground breaking study sheds light on how trade agreements such as the future EU-US trade deal (TTIP) treat personal data and privacy. The study also covers the GATS (General Agreement on Trade in Services), TiSA (Trade in Services Agreement) and CETA (EU-Canada trade agreement). By looking at both EU and international law, the researchers conclude that the EU should protect its citizens’ personal data, and prevent their privacy from being weakened in trade agreements. To do so, the EU must take action to safeguard its rules on data protection from legal challenge by its trade partners.

TTIP and Information Communication Technology (ICT) (S2B, CEO, 4 pages, March 2016)
A short overview of ICT related issues in the TTIP negotiations

TTIP and Digital Rights: the Booklet (European Digital Rights initiative, 16 pages, June 2015)
A comprehensive overview of TTIP and digital rights : transparency, data protection, regulatory cooperation, copyright and intellectual property chapter, surveillance and encryption, net neutrality and ISDS.

EDRi’s red lines on TTIP (European Digital Rights initiative, 15 pages, January 2015)
Direct link to the PDF
This documents gives a good overview of the dangers for digital rights posed by TTIP and gives clear red lines to parliamentarians and negotiators.

TTIP Resolution: what did the Parliament say about Digital Rights? (Edri, July 2015)
Short analysis of the TTIP resolution voted in July 2015 by the European Parliament, with a digital right focus.

Europe Releases its TTIP Proposals on Intellectual Property (EFF, January 2015)
Analysis of the EU proposal by the US based EFF (Eletronic Frontier Foundation), where we learn that.. the documents do not tell much.

TTIP and digital rights (Open Rights Group, 1 page, January 2015)
One page summary of digital rights issues in TTIP.

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