TISA the Trade in Services Agreement is currently under negotiating between 21 states including the USA and the EU. It aims to liberalize Services in the states taking part. Highly secretive talks began in 2012 to establish a new trade agreement, the Trade in Services Agreement (TISA). Eliminating government’s role in the delivery of services, getting rid of regulations, and allowing transnational corporations free rein are among the main threats of TISA. Although the negotiatiors try to shut out the public NGOs, civil society organizations and trade unions have shed led on the agenda behind TISA. Here you find a collection of useful ressources to better understand what TISA is about.
A special report by Public Services International (PSI) and Our World is not for Sale (OWINFS) on TISA analyzing the different aspects of TISA and how it would interfere with governments and parliaments right to regulate.
(available in en, fr, de, es, ru)
Analysis by Public Services International (PSI) on the threat of TISA for public services.
Short analysis of TISA on financial markets and services
Consumers’ protections and privacy are at risk, along with national governments’ sovereignty, at the sole benefit of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) corporations. This is what emerges from the latest leaked document of the Trade In Service Agreement (TISA) negotiations.
A new trade proposal is aiming to commodify health care services globally, with higher costs for governments and poorer performance for patients, to the benefit of large health corporations and insurance companies in a USD 6-trillion business.
A proposal by the US Trade Representative (USTR) dated 25 April 2014 to the Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) negotiations has been leaked. It focuses on e-commerce, technology transfer, cross-border data flows and net neutrality.
Short analyis of the possible impacts of TISA on food and agriculture by
International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and
Allied Workers’ Associations (IUF).
Short analysis on the risks that TISA pose for education quality and equality specially in the Global South.
Leaked TISA document revealing that the governments of Norway, together with Colombia, New Zealand and Australia would like to see education services included in the new trade pact
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