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We, the undersigning economists, want to contribute to a critical assessment of the EU-Mercosur agreement that is being prepared for ratification by EU Member States, EU institutions and Mercosur countries. According to the European Commission, the proposed agreement will be economically beneficial for both European and Mercosur countries in terms of rising GDP levels. This has been underlined in the draft final draft final report of the Sustainable Impact Assessment (SIA) for the trade part of the EU-Mercosur Association Agreement, carried out by researchers of the London School of Economics (LSE) and published in July 2020.

We consider it important to inform the public that the economic models used to calculate those ostensible gains are inadequate for assessing the social and environmental impacts of this agreement. Other studies using different models include the environmental costs of transport across the globe, the effects of deforestation and on small-scale farmers in the EU and Mercosur countries. These alternative impact studies show very different outcomes, demonstrating how this agreement would obstruct fulfillment of the Paris climate goals and would have severe economic and social effects on workers and farmers – particularly family farmers – both in Latin America and Europe.

Why is the SIA misleading and what are its flaws?

1.  The model used for the calculation of the potential impacts of the EU-Mercosur agreement is based on unrealistic assumptions and does not use the actual data of the EU-Mercosur agreement regarding tariffs reduction, import quotas etc. The model used is based on the computation of the general equilibrium model (CGE), which relies on the assumption that all markets are in equilibrium and perfectly competitive. Furthermore, the long term projection of the model presupposes dynamic gains from trade liberalization. This means that the model delivers predictions of welfare-improving outcomes by default. What empirical evidence does show, however, is that the actual net impact of trade liberalization on income, employment, labour productivity, innovation and competitiveness might well be negative, at least for some sectors. More importantly, trade agreements can and do generate imbalances. The gains and losses of trade agreements predicted by this SIA thus tell little about the real impact. A meaningful SIA would be based on a model that operates on more realistic assumptions, and would, moreover, also take into account the actual tariff reductions and import quota agreed in the treaty in order to assess the effects on trade flows, prices, etc.

2.  The GDP increase for Europe is negligible. For Mercosur countries, it predicts a GDP decrease as well as massive loss of industrial jobs. The SIA predicts over 10 years a negligible 0,1% GDP increase for the EU, and for Mercosur countries -0,1%. More realistic assumptions would expose that the underlying distributional sectoral changes resulting from the model tend to be much larger. For the Mercosur countries, the SIA predicts rising unemployment in the motor vehicles sector in Uruguay, in the machinery sector in Brazil and Paraguay, and in the chemical and pharmaceutical sector in Uruguay, Paraguay and Argentina. There are also negative effects on Mercosur family farm production (grapes, milk, etc.), as well as in Europe, generating social problems for a very sensitive sector in both regions. Overall, the outcome of this SIA not only underestimates the negative effects of trade liberalization, but even itself foresees negative impacts in many respects for the Mercosur countries. Furthermore, GDP increase as a measure of wealth is outdated, certainly in times of climate crisis and the need for a deep socio-ecological transformation of our economies.

3. The SIA downplays the impact of the agreement on deforestation in Mercosur countries. While it refers to the increase of deforestation in 2019, it compares the increase to trends during the 1988-2008 period. Rather than referring to the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) Global Forest Resources Assessment of 2020, it refers to the 2016 report. As a result of using outdated data, the impacts of the agreement on deforestation are minimized. The recent report (English summary here) of the experts commissioned by the French Government on the draft EU-Mercosur agreement reaches very different conclusions. It provides additional estimates of the ecological impact, taking into account the risk of deforestation linked to the increase in beef exports (without, however, taking into account the areas needed to feed these cattle). According to the report, deforestation could increase from 5% to 25% per year for 6 years, solely due to the increase in beef exports generated by the agreement. 

4.   The SIA does not factor in the new economic situation, due to the COVID19 crisis, prevailing in the EU and Mercosur countries. Globally, unemployment levels have increased since the start of the crisis. Currently, 7.2% of EU workers (15.2 million persons) are jobless, and this level is expected to increase due to the COVID19 recession. In Mercosur countries, too, unemployment levels are high, while the informal sector is extensive. The application of the CGE model, which is based on the assumption of full employment, is therefore not appropriate for our current economies.Given these flaws and what is a stake for farmers (especially family farmers ) and workers in both regions, for indigenous people in the Amazon and other forest regions in Mercosur countries, and for the climate and the livelihoods of all citizens in this world, we consider it urgent and appropriate that the European Commission commissions a Sustainable Impact Assessment of this agreement that is based on the most recent empirically available data and additional modern modeling tools, to evaluate the potential economic, social and environmental impacts as well as the real costs of labour market adjustments that may be generated by the proposed EU-Mercosur trade agreement. Such an assessment should also be executed in a trans-disciplinary manner, including an assessment of the environmental and climate impact of this agreement.

1Francisco CantamuttoArgentinaInstituto de Investigaciones Económicas y Sociales del Sur – IIESS UNS-CONICETResearcher
2Gustavo García ZanottiArgentinaConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas de Argentina (National Scientific and Technical Research Council) – CONICETscholarship
3Mariano TreacyArgentinaUniversidad Nacional de General SarmientoEconomist
4Natán SpollanskyArgentinaSociedad de Economía CriticaIntegrante
5Pablo Gabriel BortzArgentinaNational University of San MartinProfessor
6Ramiro Luis BertoniArgentinaUniversidad de Tres de Febrero y San MartinProfessor
7Rodrigo F. PascualArgentinaUniversidad Nacional de Tierra del FuegoDocente Adjunto.
8Ignacio JuncosArgentinaNational University of CordobaPh. D. Student
9Andreas NovyAustriaVienna University of Economics and BusinessAssociate Professor
10Wilhelm ReichmannAustriaIndependent Business ConsultantDirector
11Julia EderAustriaJohannes Kepler University LinzLecturer in Sociology
12Jürgen EssletzbichlerAustriaVienna University of Economics and BusinessProfessor
13Kurt BayerAustriaVienna Institute for International Economic Studies WIIWConsultant
14Luise Wimmler, MScAustriaUniversity of GrazUniversity Assistant
15Matthias AistleitnerAustriaJohannes Kepler University Linzresearch associate
16Stephan LutterAustriaVienna University of Economics and BusinessSenior Researcher
17Stephan PühringerAustriaJohannes Kepler University of LinzResearcher
18Stephan SchulmeisterAustria
19Ulrike MoserAustria
Retired Economist
20Yuri KazepovAustriaUniversity of ViennaProfessor of Sociology
21Alois GugerAustriaAustrian Institute of Economic ResearchConsultant Emeritus
22Simon TheurlAustriaBeirat für gesellschafts-, wirtschafts- und umweltpolitische Alternativen – BEIGWUMCEO
23Leonhard PlankAustriaTU WienSenior Scientist
24Ferdi De VilleBelgiumGhent UniversityProfessor EU Studies
25Jan OrbieBelgiumGhent Universityassociate professor
26Eduardo StrachmanBrazilSão Paulo State University – UnespAssociate Professor of Economics
27Francisco Carneiro de FilippoBrazilUniversidade de BrasíliaMestrado (masters)
28Daniesse Sannara KasanoskiBrazilUniversidade de BrasíliaPhD candidate
29Roy RotheimBrazilSkidmore CollegeProfessor of Economics
30Adhemar MineiroBrazilREBRIPAdvisor
31Adroaldo QuintelaBrazilAssociação Brasileira de Economistas pela Democracia – ABEDEconomist
32Antonio Melki Jr.BrazilFederal Council of Economists – BrazilCounselor
33Antonio Rosevaldo Ferreira da SilvaBrazilUniv. Estadual de Feira de Santana – BAProfessor
34Clician OliveiraBrazilRegional Council of Economists – Rio de JaneiroCounselor
35Inês PatrícioBrazilUniversidade Federal FluminenseRetired Professor
36Marcelo ManzanoBrazilCentro de Estudos Sindicais e Economia do Trabalho-Cesit-UNICAMPProfessor
37Marcio PochmannBrazilInstituto de Economia (Institute of Economics) – Universidade Estadual de CampinasProfessor
38Nelson Victor Le CocqBrazilCaixa Econômica Federal – CEFRetired Economist
39Orlando Ramos MoreiraBrazilPetrobrasRetired Economist
40Paul HudsonEngland
Retired university teacher of Economics and Econometrics
41Mario RísquezEspañaUCM, Facultad de CCEE y EmpresarialesProfesor Asociado
42Alain KarsentyFranceCentre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique – CIRADSenior Researcher
43Anaïs HenneguelleFranceUniversité de Rennes 2maîtresse de conférences
44Behrang ShirizadehFranceCentre International de Recherche sur l’Environnement et le Développement – CIREDResearch Fellow
45Benjamin CoriatFranceUniversité Paris 13 Nord – Centre d’Economie de l’Université Paris-Nord (CEPN)Professeur des Universités
46Nicolas BouleauFranceEcole des Ponts Paristechprofessor
47Michel CabannesFranceUniversité de BordeauxMaitre de conférences
48Cédric DurandFranceUniversité de GenèveProfesseur Associé d’Économie Politique
49Céline DutillyFranceCentre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique – CIRADresearcher
50Céline GuivarchFranceEcole des Ponts, Centre International de Recherche sur l’Environnement et le Développement – CIREDResearch director
51Léo CharlesFranceUniversité de Rennes 2Asssistant Professor
52Coralie PérezFranceUniversité de Paris 1-Panthéon-SorbonneIngénieure de recherche
53David FlacherFranceUniversité de technologie de CompiègneFull professor of economics
54Driss Ezzine de BlasFranceCentre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique – CIRADPrincipal Investigator
55Dumas PatriceFranceCentre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique – CIRADResearcher
56Emilie CoudelFranceCentre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique – CIRADResearcher
57Florence Jany-CatriceFranceUniversité de LilleProfesseur des universités
58Florian BotteFranceUniversité du Littoral Côte d’OpaleMCF
59Gadrey JeanFranceUniversité de LilleProfessor of economics
60Jacques GénéreuxFranceSciences Po-ParisProfessor
61Jacques MarzinFranceCentre International de Recherche Agroniomique pour le Développement – CIRADResearcher
62Jean BourgainFranceUniversité de LilleMCF retraité
63Jean-Marie HarribeyFranceUniversité de BordeauxProfessor assistant
64Jerome FaureFranceUniversité de BordeauxPhD student
65Krifa-Schneider HadjilaFranceUniversité de LilleHonorary Associate Professor
66Laurent CordonnierFranceUniversité de LilleProfessor in economics
67Antoine LebloisFranceInstitut national de la recherche agronomique – INRAEResearcher
68Jonathan MarieFranceUniversité Sorbonne Paris NordAssociate Professor
69Maxime CombesFranceAssociation Internationale de Techniciens, Experts et Chercheurs – Aitecindependent researcher
70Jean MercenierFranceUniversité Panthéon-Assas (U. Paris 2)Professor
71Michel HussonFranceInstitut national de la statistique et des études économiquesEconomist
72Philippe ChotteauFrance
73Philippe QuirionFranceCentre national de la recherche scientifique – CNRSDirecteur de recherche (Senior researcher)
74Dominique PlihonFranceUniversité Sorbonne Paris NordProfessor emeritus
75Dominique RedorFranceUniversité Paris-EstProfessor in Economics
76Rotillon GillesFranceUniversité Paris-NanterreProfessor
77Sabina IssehnaneFranceUniversité de ParisMaître de conférence
78Sandrine DuryFranceCentre International de Recherche Agroniomique pour le Développement – CIRADEconomist
79Sandrine RousseauFranceUniversité de LilleEconomiste
80Henri SterdyniakFranceLes économistes attérréseconomist
81Tarik TazdaïtFranceCentre national de la recherche scientifique – CNRSSenior Researcher
82Ludovic TempleFranceCentre International de Recherche Agroniomique pour le Développement – CIRADResearch
83Thomas CoutrotFranceDirection de l’Animation de la recherche, des Études et des Statistiques (DARES)Chef du département « conditions de travail et santé »
84Thomas DalleryFranceUniversité du Littoral Côte d’Opale – ClerséAssistant Professor of Economics
85Jean-Marc TouzardFranceInstitut national de la recherche agronomique – INRAEDirector of Research, economist
86Fabrice TricouFranceUniversité Paris NanterreAssociate Professor of Economics
87Nicolas VaneeclooFranceUniversité de LilleProfesseur émérite
88Wladimir AndreffFranceUniversité Paris 1 Panthéon-SorbonneEmeritus Professor
89Mireille BruyèreFranceUniversité de ToulouseEconomiste
90Anne IslaFranceUniversité ToulouseAssociate Professor
91Lucas ChancelFranceSciences-PoLecturer
92Christoph ScherrerGermanyUniversity of KasselProfessor
93Hermann BömerGermanyformerly TU DortmundLecturer
94Friederike HabermannGermanyCommons Instituteindependent scholar
95Jakob KapellerGermanyUniversity of Duisburg-EssenProfessor
96Miriam RehmGermanyUniversity of Duisburg-EssenAssistant Professor
97Salome TopuriaGermanyUniversity of KasselPhD Candidate
98Trevor EvansGermanyBerlin School of Economics and LawProfessor
99Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen BielingGermanyUniversity of TübingenProfessor
100Dr. oec. publ. Dr. h.c. Manuela TroschkeGermanyScientists for Future München, CoordinationEconomist
101Prof. Dr. Ralf PtakGermanyUniversity CologneProfessor 
102Prof. Dr. Dr. Helge PeukertGermanyUniversity SiegenProfessor 
103Dr. Werner RügemerGermany
104Suñanda SenIndiaJawaharlal Nehru University New DelhiRetired Professor
105Jayati GhoshIndia/USAUniversity of Massachusetts at AmherstProfessor
106Bianca FoehrerIrelandUniversity College DublinResearch Project Manager
107Giovanni DosiItalyScuola Superiore Sant’Anna PisaProfessor, Institute of Economics
108Guglielmo ChiodiItalySapienza Università di RomaProfessor
109Riccardo MastiniItalyAutonomous University of BarcelonaPhd, Institute of Environmental Science and Technology (ICTA)
110Salvatore MonniItalyFacoltà di Economia, Università Roma TreOrdinario di Economia dello sviluppo
111Alessandro VercelliItalyUniversity of SienaFull Professor of Political Economy and Environmental Economics-retired
112Annamaria SimonazziItalyFondazione Roma Sapienzaprofessor (retired)
113Marcella CorsiItalySapienza Università di Roma Dipartimento di Scienze StatistichePresidente Consiglio Corso di Laurea magistrale in Scienze attuariali e finanziarie / Euro-memo
114Emanuele CiteraItalyNew School for Social ResearchPhD Candidate
115Flavia FabianoItalyCIRADPhD student
116Elena Emrick-SchmitzLuxembourgUniversity of LuxembourgDoctoral Researcher
117Sabine DörryLuxembourgLuxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic ResearchSenior Research Fellow
118Ulrike SchmitzLuxembourgIng.-Büro Hubert Schmitz Sàrl, EchternachAssistant
119Jean-François BélièresMadagascarCentre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique – CIRADAgroéconomiste
120Jomo Kwame SundaramMalaysiaUnited NationsRetired
121Victor Manuel Isidro LunaMexicoUniversidad Nacional Autónoma de MéxicoProfessor and researcher
122Alicia PuyanaMéxicoFacultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales-MéxicoProfessor
123Alfred KleinknechtNetherlandsTU DelftProfessor of Economics (Emeritus)
124Bastiaan van ApeldoornNetherlandsVrije Universiteit AmsterdamProfessor of Global Political Economy and Geopolitics
125Ewald EngelenNetherlandsUniversity of AmsterdamProfessor financial geography
126Aleksandra TwardowskaNetherlandsUniversity of AmsterdamChair at Rethinking Economics NL
127Andrew M FischerNetherlandsErasmus University RotterdamAssociate Professor
128Dirk BezemerNetherlandsUniversity of GroningenProfessor
129Jeffrey HarrodNetherlandsErasmus University + University of AmsterdamProfessor Emeritus
130Angela WiggerNetherlandsRadboud UniversityAssociate Professor Global Political Economy
131Arjo KlamerNetherlandsErasmus UniversityProfessor cultural economics em
132Servaas StormNetherlandsDelft University of TechnologySenior Researcher
133Sarah ZevacoParaguaySEPPYVice president
134Luis RojasParaguayCentro de Estudios HeñóiEconomista – Investigador
135Diogo RodeiroPortugalUniversity of CoimbraStudent
136Francisco LouçãPortugalUniversity of Lisboa – Lisbon’s Instituto Superior de Economia e GestãoProfessor of Economics, Member of the Council of State of Portugal
137João Vasco GamaPortugalUniversidade Nova de Lisboa – Nova School of Business and EconomicsPhD student on Macroeconomics
138Fernando Luengo EscalonillaSpainUniversidad Complutense de MadridProfesor jubilado
139Joan Josep Bosch GonzálezSpainUniversidad Pública de NavarraAssociated Teacher
140Jorge Fonseca CastroSpainUniversidad Complutense de MadridCatedrático de Economía Aplicada
141José Ángel MorenoSpainEconomistas sin FronterasPatronato / Board of Trustees
142Juan Torres LópezSpainUniversity of SevilleProfessor Applied economics
143Julián Maganto LópezSpainColegio de Economistas de Madrid / Madrid College of EconomistsColegiado / member – Retired civil servant of the General State Administration
144Manuel Garí RamosSpainFundación Viento SurRetired Economist
145Maria Luisa Gil PaynoSpainEconomistas sin FronterasEconomist, researcher
146Patxi ZabaloSpainUniversidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko UnibertsitateaProfesor de economía aplicada
147Albert RecioSpainUniversitat Autonoma de Barcelona. Dep Economia AplicadaProfessor Honorifico
148Amaia Perez OrozcoSpainColectiva XXKEconomist, Researcher specializes in feminist economics
149Daniel AlbarracínSpainCámara de Cuentas de Andalucía – Chamber of AccountsCounselor
150Eduardo Bidaurratzaga AurreSpainUniversity of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)Lecturer
151Efren Areskurrinaga MirandonaSpainUniversity of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)profesor
152Gemma Cairó-i-CéspedesSpainUniversitat de Barcelona – Facultat Economia i EmpresaProfesora titular de Economía
153Jorge Garcia-AriasSpainUniversity of LeonAssociate Professor
154José Anastasio Urra UrbietaSpainUniversitat de ValènciaAssociate Professor of Management
155Juan Hernández Zubizarreta,SpainUniversidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU)Doctor en Derecho, profesor
156Luis Fernando Lobejón HerreroSpainUniversidad de ValladolidProfesor Titular de Economía Aplicada
157Luz de la Cal BarredoSpainUniversidad del Pais Vasco (UPV/EHU) – Facultat Economia i EmpresaProfesora
158Marta Martín AlonsoSpainEconomistas sin FronterasPresident
159Nuria AmadorSpainUniversidad Complutense de MadridEconomist
160Óscar CarpinteroSpainUniversity of ValladolidAssociate Professor of Applied Economics – Department of Applied Economics
161Ricardo García-ZaldivarSpainUniversidad Carlos III de MadridRetired Professor
162Yolanda JubetoSpainUniversidad del Pais Vasco (UPV/EHU) – Facultad de Economía y Empresa,Profesora asociada de Economía Aplicada,
163Aitor MurgiaSpainELA Sindikatua research cabinetReseacher
164Lluís RodriguezSpainELA Sindikatua collective bargaining cabinetEconomist
165Roser EspeltSpainELA Sindikatua collective bargaining cabinetEconomist
166Xabier ZabalaSpainELA Sindikatua research cabinetReseacher
167Gonzalo Fernández Ortiz de ZárateSpainHegoa – Instituto de Estudios sobre Desarrollo y Cooperación Internacional – Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU)Investigador económico
168José BellverSpainFundación Hogar del EmpleadoReseacher
169Carmen Castro GarcíaSpainUniversitat de València – Cátedra de Economía FeministaProfessor
170Josep Manel BusquetaSpain
171Pau Llonch i MéndezSpainSeminari d’Economia Crítica TaifaEconomist
172Paulina de los ReyesSwedenStockholm Universityprofessor
173Francesco LaruffaSwitzerlandUniversity of GenevaPost-Doctoral Research Fellow
174Rahel KunzSwitzerlandUniversité de LausanneSenior lecturer
175Steve KeenThailand-UKInstitute for Strategy, Resilience and Security, University College LondonDistinguished Research Fellow
176Véronique AlaryTunisieCentre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique – CIRADresearcher
177Andrea BrockUnited KingdomUniversity of SussexLecturer in International Relations
178David ScottUnited KingdomManchester International Law Centre, University of ManchesterDoctoral candidate
179Mareike BeckUnited KingdomKing’s College LondonPostdoctoral Researcher
180Michael EdwardsUnited KingdomUniversity College LondonHon Professor, Economics of Planning
181Serena MerrinoUnited KingdomUniversity College LondonLecturer
182Annina KaltenbrunnerUnited KingdomLeeds University Business SchoolAssociate Professor
183Andrew B TylecoteUnited KingdomUniversity of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK.Emeritus Professor
184Bob JessopUnited KingdomLancaster UniversityDistinguished Professor
185Daniela Veronica GaborUnited KingdomUniversity of the West of England – BristolProfessor of Economics and Macrofinance
186Gabriel Siles-BruggeUnited KingdomUniversity of Warwick
187Gareth DaleUnited KingdomBrunel UniversitySenior Lecturer in Politics & IR
188Jeremy LeamanUnited KingdomLoughborough UniversityEmeritus Fellow
189Joshua BanerjeeUnited KingdomLondon School of Economics and Political ScienceDoctoral Researcher
190Jules NewmanUnited KingdomLSERetired
191Ann PettiforUnited KingdomPolicy Research In Macroeconomics (PRIME)Director
192Erica SchoenbergerUnited StatesThe Johns Hopkins UniversityProfessor
193Greg Hannsgen, Ph.D.United StatesGreg Hannsgen’s Economics BlogFounder and Blogger
194Karl PetrickUnited StatesWestern New England UniversityAssociate Professor of Economics
195James K. GalbraithUnited StatesThe University of Texas at AustinProfessor
196Pierre KohlerUnited StatesUN, Department of Economic and Social AffairsEconomist
197Alicia AraujoUruguayParlamentoAsesora