Analysis and publications
- Intro video (Dec 2018, no al ttip)
- Trade at any cost (PowerShift and Foodwatch, 10 pages on EU Japan, February 2018). Covers Tariffs / quotas, Investment, Agriculture and food, the precautionary principle, regulatory cooperation and the various committees created by the agreement.
- Making sense of JEFTA (GUE/NGL, 72 pages, November 2017). Includes
- an overview of concerns about JEFTA by Helmut Scholz
- The impact of JEFTA on financial stability by Étienne Lebeau
- Environmental Protection in the EU-Japan Free Trade Agreement by Ciaran Cross
- The Japan-EU Economic Partnership Agreement: Flows of Personal Data to the Land of the Rising Sun by Marija Bartl and Kristina Irion
- “Impact on Japanese Agriculture, Food Safety, and Animal Welfare – JEFTA’s entry into force would mean severe impacts on Japan’s agricultural sector” by Shoko Uchida is Co-Representative of the Pacific Asia Resource Center (PARC).
- EU-Japan trade agreement not compatible with EU data protection (Vrijschrift, 1 page, January 2018)
- EU-Japan deal, trading away our rights (AITEC, PowerShift, Corporate Europe Observatory, LobbyControl, 4 pages, September 2017)
- Japan sacrificed cheese tariffs to get EPA done with EU (The Mainichi, 7 July 2017)
- Leaked trade papers expose EU failure to uphold transparency and environment standards (Greenpeace, 3 pages, June 2017) Includes transparency, Illegal timber, Whaling, investment and other weaknesses
- EU leans toward big concession on autoparts trade with Japan (Nikkei | 16 June 2017)
- La Via Campesina calls for an immediate end to EU-Japan Free Trade Agreement (May 2017)
- Secretive EU-Japan trade deal to be finalised away from public eye (Joint Statement, March 2017)
Other Japan and trade related links
Ratification of ILO conventions for Japan Fundamental Conventions: 6 of 8 // Governance Conventions (Priority): 3 of 4
// Technical Conventions: 40 of 177 // Out of 49 Conventions ratified by Japan, of which 34 are in force, 14 Conventions have been denounced; 1 instrument abrogated; none have been ratified in the past 12 months.
In French
- Forbidden GMOs discovered in animal feed (in Europe) – Le Monde, February 2018 // Summary : The French subsidiaries of a Japanese group from the agribusiness group Ajinomoto produced and sold illegal GMOs for animal feed (salmon, pork and ruminants). To defend itself, Ajinomoto said that it was not forbidden to export illegal products to third countries. There is apparently an internal debate inside the Commission between the services working on GMOs and on animal feed.
- Joint statement between CGT (French trade union) & ZENROREN (Japanese Union) Le JEFTA ne doit pas se faire au détriment des travailleurs et des citoyens
- JEFTA : un accord déséquilibré qui nécessite de sérieuses corrections (CNCD 11.11.11)
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