No more toxic trade deals between the EU and Latin American countries
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We, the undersigned organisations from Latin America and the European Union, stand united in rejecting the EU-Mercosur trade deal. We call on policymakers on both sides of the Atlantic to finally stop this toxic trade agreement.
Negotiated for more than 25 years behind closed doors, this outdated trade deal lacks any public participation or scrutiny. Even the European Ombudsman has criticized the European Commission’s lack of transparency. The Commission is now considering changing the voting process through the “splitting” of the deal, allowing it to bypass individual country vetoes. Hundreds of civil society organizations and parliamentarians have condemned this manoeuvre as an assault on democratic processes. Worse, the groups most affected—workers, small-scale farmers, indigenous communities, and women—have been excluded from shaping this deal, and yet will suffer its worst effects.
A toxic deal for people and the planet
This agreement will exacerbate the unequal exchange between the Global South and North, perpetuating neo-colonial trade structures. It promotes destructive agricultural models that displace small farmers and indigenous communities while driving EU exports of toxic agrochemicals, even those which are banned in the EU. These unsustainable farming practices, including factory farming, threaten food sovereignty and animal welfare in both regions.
Workers in Mercosur countries will suffer job losses and worsening conditions. Women will lose even more in that regard, while they are also most affected by the privatisation of public services promoted through FTAs. Studies show that the deal poses severe economic risks, further deepening inequality and hindering sustainable development and (re-) industrialization in Mercosur countries.
No environmental annex can mitigate the long-term damage this deal will inflict; it’s mere greenwashing. The EU-Mercosur deal will drive deforestation, exacerbate the climate crisis, and push our regions further from climate justice.
No deal with far-right, climate-crisis denying presidents
This deal is being negotiated with governments led by climate-crisis deniers in Argentina and Paraguay, while forests – as a result of the massive deforestation for agribusiness – burn, and Brazil is hit by unprecedented droughts.
In Argentina, the self-proclaimed anarcho-capitalist Javier Milei, who is an active member of the global extreme right movement, has plunged the country into misery. Poverty has soared to unprecedented highs, and basic rights are being crushed. Social justice protests are violently suppressed, while more than 60% of Argentine children go hungry, and essential services like education and healthcare are gutted. The combination of Milei’s disastrous policies and this outdated trade deal is a recipe for catastrophe.
Geopolitics can’t be fixed with neo-colonial trade deals
Politicians promoting this agreement to counter China’s influence in the Mercosur region are trapped in a free-trade ideology that prioritises corporate profits over people and the planet. Strengthening ties, while undeniably necessary, requires solidarity, equality, cooperation, sustainability, and democracy – not deepening trade asymmetries. This holds true not just for EU-Mercosur, but also for the “modernization” of the free trade agreements between the EU and Mexico and the EU and Chile, which are both equally problematic.
The solution is clear:
Policymakers on both sides of the Atlantic must honour their human rights, social, climate, and environmental commitments and stop these toxic trade negotiations immediately.
Another trade — based on solidarity, democracy, mutual cooperation and equality — is possible!
Stop EU-Mercosur NOW!
Global and regional organisations
- Amigos de la Tierra América Latina y el Caribe (ATALC)
- CADTM AYNA (Comité para la Abolición de las Deudas Ilegítimas / Abya Yala – Nuestra América)
- CADTM Internacional
- CCSCS Coordinadora de Centrales Sindicales del Cono Sur
- Climate Action Network America Latina (CANLA)
- Climate Action Network Europe
- Compassion in World Farming EU
- Confederación Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Trabajadores Estatales (CLATE)
- Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO)
- Ekō
- EU LAT Network
- Eurogroup for Animals
- European Coordination Via Campesina (ECVC)
- European Environmental Bureau
- European Trade Justice Coalition
- Fair Trade Advocacy Office
- Fern
- Foodwatch International
- Friends of the Earth Europe
- Friends of the Earth International
- Global Forest Coalition
- Jubilados Docentes
- Jubileo Sur Américas
- Mighty Earth
- Oilwatch Latinoamerica
- Oxfam
- Pacto Ecosocial e Intercultural del Sur
- Plataforma América Latina y el Caribe Mejor Sin TLC
- PSI (Public Services International)
- Publish What You Pay
- Resumen Latinoamericano
- African Coalition on Green Growth (ACGG)
- Transnational Institute
National organisations
- Ambiente Es Todo del FPDSCP (Frente Popular Darío Santillán Corriente Plurinacional), Argentina
- Argentina Mejor Sin TLC, Argentina
- Asamblea de Las Heras por el Agua Pura de Mendoza , República Argentina
- Asamblea por un MAR LIBRE de petroleras, Argentina
- Asociación Argentina de Abogadxs Ambientalistas y Colectivo de Acción por la Justicia Ecosocial, Argentina
- Asociación Civil Lola Mora, Argentina
- ATTAC Argentina, Argentina
- Autoconvocatoria por la Suspensión del Pago e Investigación de la Deuda, Argentina
- Buenos Aires Insoumise, Argentina
- Campaña Plurinacional NO al RIGI , Argentina
- Central de Trabajadores y Trabajadoras de la Argentina, Argentina
- Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales (CELS), Argentina
- Colectivo Semillas Autoconvocadas, Argentina
- Collectif Solidaires, Argentina
- Confederación General del Trabajo de la República Argentina, Argentina
- Cooperativa de Producción Agroecológica CoPA, Argentina
- Coordinadora Plurinacional Basta de Falsas Soluciones , Argentina
- Corriente Política de Izquierda, Argentina
- Corriente Política Marabunta, Argentina
- Diálogo 2000 – Jubileo Sur Argentina, Argentina
- Frente de organizaciones en lucha, Argentina
- Fundación de Investigaciónes Sociales y Políticas (FISYP, Argentina
- Grupo de Estudios sobre América Latina y el Caribe (GEAL-IEALC/UBA), Argentina
- Iniciativa Arcoiris de Ecología Política, Argentina
- Lof Rankülche Ngürrü Mapu mew Vedia provincia de Buenos Aires Comunidad Mapuche Rankül, Argentina
- Multisectorial golfo San Matías, República Argentina
- Museo del Hambre, Argentina
- Observatorio Petrolero Sur, Argentina
- SoliVerde – Collectif Solidaires, Argentine
- Somos Pueblo, Argentina
- Tierra Nativa / Friends of the Earth Argentina, Argentina
- AK EUROPA, Austria
- Anders Handeln Austria, Austria
- Attac Austria, Austria
- Austrian Trade Union Federation (ÖGB), Austria
- DKA Austria – Dreikönigsaktion der Katholischen Jungschar, Austria
- GLOBAL 2000 – Friends of the Earth Austria, Austria
- KOO (Koordinierungsstelle der Österreichischen Bischofskonferenz), Austria
- ÖBV-Via Campesina Austria, Austria
- Welthaus Diözese Graz-Seckau, Austria
- WIDE Austria – Network for Women´s Rights and Feminist Perspectives in Development, Austria
- 11.11.11, Belgium
- ACV-CSC, Belgium
- Autre Terre, Belgium
- Broederlijk Delen, Belgium
- Canopea, Belgium
- Collectif Triage, Waterloo, Belgium
- Crabe asbl, Belgique
- DBA, Belgium
- Eco-Vie asbl, Belgique
- Ecole Paysanne Indépendante, Belgique
- Entraide et Fraternité, Belgium
- Ferme Jungen, Belgium
- FIAN Belgium, Belgium
- Food & Water Action Europe, Belgium
- FUGEA, Belgique
- Humundi, Belgium
- Iles de Paix, Belgique
- La Hulpe Environnement, Belgium
- Le Réseau des GASAP, Belgium
- Les Amis de la Terre – Belgique asbl, Belgium
- Les P’tits Dons de Pétillons asbl, Belgium
- Mouvement d’Action Paysanne, Belgium
- Mouvement DEMAIN, Belgique
- Natagora, Belgium
- Red europeo de Comités Oscar Romero, Belgium
- Rencontre des Continents, Belgique
- Ré, Belgium
- Rise for climate Belgium, Belgium
- Solidagro, Belgium
- Solidair met Guatemala, Belgium
- Solsoc, Belgium
- Terre-en-vue, Belgium
- UNAB – Union des agriculteurs·rices bio de Wallonie, Belgium (Wallonia)
- vzw Climaxi, Belgium
- ULB-Coopération, Belguim
- Fundación AGRECOL Andes, Bolivia
- Fundacion Gaia Pacha, Bolivia
- Fundación PASOS , Bolivia
- Movimiento Agroecologico Boliviano, Bolivia
- Plataforma Boliviana Frente al Cambio Climático, Bolivia
- Red OEPAIC, Bolivia
- Centre for Climatology and Applied Research, Botswana
- Southern Africa Climate Change Coalition, Botswana
- AMA – Articulação de Mulheres do Amazonas, Brasil
- Amigas da Terra Brasil / Friends of the Earth Brazil, Brasil
- APIB – Articulation of the Indigenous Peoples of Brazil, Brazil
- Articulação Agro é Fogo / Conselho Pastoral dos Pescadores, Brasil
- Articulação de Mulheres Brasileiras- AMB, Brasil
- Associação Alternativa Terrazul, Brasil
- Associação Brasileira Interdisciplinar de AIDS, Brasil
- Associação Comunitária de Educação em Saúde e Agricultura – ACESA, Brasil
- Associação de Agroecologia do ABC, Brasil
- Associação SEDUP – Serviço de Educação Popular, Brasil
- Associação Vianei de Cooperação e Intercâmbio no Trabalho, Educação, Cultura e Saúde, Brasil
- Cáritas Brasileira, Brasil
- CEAP -Centro de Educação e Assessoramento Popular, Brasil
- Central Única dos trabalhadores, Brasil
- Centro Dandara de Promotoras Legais Populares, Brasil
- Centro de Agricultura Alternativa Vicente Nica, Brasil
- Centro Ecológico, Brasil
- Clima de Eleição, Brazil
- Coletivo Mulher Vida, Brasil
- Comissão Pastoral da Terra – MS, Brasil
- Comissao socioambiental Frei Tito de Alencar, Brasil
- ESPLAR – Centro de Pesquisa e Assessoria, Brasil
- FAOR Fórum da Amazônia Oriental, Brasil
- FASE, Brasil
- Federação Nacional dos Enfermeiros, Brasil
- Forum Brasileiro de Ongs e Movimentos Sociais pelo Meio Ambiente – FBOMS, Brasil
- Fórum da Amazônia Oriental – FAOR, Brasil
- Fórum de Mulheres da Amazônia Paraense- FMAP, Brasil
- Fórum Mudanças Climáticas e Justiça Socioambiental, Brasil
- Frente Brasileira Contra os Acordos Mercosul-UE e Mercosul-EFTA, Brasil
- Grupo de Trabalho sobre Propriedade Intelectual, Brasil
- Instituto Cordilheira, Brasil
- Instituto de Estudos Socioeconômicos (Inesc), Brasil
- Instituto Eqüit – Gênero Economia e Cidadania Global, Brasil
- Instituto Políticas Alternativas para o Cone Sul- PACS, Brasil
- ISP Brasil, Brasil
- Jubileu Sul Brasil, Brasil
- Justiça nos Trilhos, Brasil
- Marcha Mundial das Mulheres, Brasil
- Movimento das Mulheres Negras da Floresta – Dandara, Brasil
- Movimento de Trabalhadoras e Trabalhadores Sem-Teto (MTST), Brasil
- Movimento dos Atingidos por Barragens – MAB, Brasil
- Movimento Pela Soberania Popular na Mineração (MAM), Brasil
- Movimento SOS Chapada dos Veadeiros, Brasil
- PAD (Processo de Articulação e Diálogo), Brasil
- REBRIP – Rede Brasileira pela Integração dos Povos, Brasil
- Rede de Intercâmbio de Tecnologias Alternativas, Brasil
- Serviço de Assistência Rural e Urbano – SAR, Brasil
- Sindicato dos Enfermeiros do Estado de São Paulo (SEESP), Brasil
- Terramar, Brasil
- Climate Action for Lifelong Learners (CALL), Canada
- Chile Mejor sin TLC, Chile
- Cedetrabajo, Colombia
- Réseau des Organisations de la Société Civile pour le Developpement du Tonkpi (ROSCIDET), Côte d’Ivoire
- Hnutí DUHA / Friends of the Earth Czech Republic, Czechia
- Forests of the World, Denmark
- Global Aktion, Denmark
- NOAH / Friends of the Earth Denmark, Denmark
- OMASNE, Ecuador
- Acción Ecológica, Ecuador
- Centro de Documentación en Derechos Humanos “Segundo Montes Mozo SJ” (CSMM), Ecuador
- CESTA Amigos de la Tierra, El Salvador
- Amigas de la Tierra / Friends of the Earth Spain, España
- Asociación por la Paz y los Derechos Humanos Taula per Mèxic, Catalunya
- Attac España, España
- Cátedra UNESCO de desarrollo humano sostenible, UdG, España
- CCOO (Confederación Sindical de Comisiones Obreras), España
- CGT – Confederación General del Trabajo, España
- CICrA Justícia Ambiental, España
- COAG-Coordinadora de Organizaciones de Agricultores y Ganaderos, Spain
- Ecologistas en Acción, España
- Entrepueblos-Entrepobles-Entrepobos-Herriarte, Estado Español
- Estonian Green Movement / Friends of the Earth Estonia, Estonia
- Extinction Rebellion Málaga, España
- Iniciática Cambio Personal y Justicia Global, España
- La Coordinadora de Organizaciones para el Desarrollo-España, España
- Observatori del Deute en la Globalització, Spain
- Paz Con Dignidad (OMAL), Estado Español
- Salva la Selva, España
- SETEM Catalunya, Spain
- ELA euskal sindikatua, Euskal Herria
- LAB sindikatua, Euskal Herria
- Friends of the Earth Finland, Finland
- Action non-violente COP21 (ANV-COP21), France
- ActionAid France, France
- Agir Pour L’Environnement, France
- AGTER, France
- Aitec, France
- Alofa Tuvalu, France
- Alternatiba, France
- Amap de la soupe aux Cailloux, France
- AMAP Paniers d’ici, France
- Amis de la Terre Côte d’Or, France
- Amis de la Terre France / Friends of the Earth France, France
- Association CRI-AC !, France
- Attac Artois -Ternois – La Gohelle, France
- Attac Dordogne, France
- ATTAC Finistère, France
- Attac France, France
- ATTAC Moselle, France
- ATTAC Nîmes, France
- ATTAC Pays Basque, France
- Bio Consom’acteurs, France
- BIOAMAP, France
- Bloom, France
- CADTM France, France
- Canopée, France
- CCFD-Terre Solidaire, France
- CFSI, France
- Collectif national Stop Mercosur, France
- Confédération Générale du Travail (CGT), France
- Confédération paysanne, France
- CRID, France
- CTC-42, France
- DLS ip, France
- Eau Secours 62, France
- Extinction Rebellion France, France
- FADEAR, France
- Fédération Artisans du Monde, France
- Foodwatch France, France
- France Amérique latine FAL, France
- France Nature Environnement, France
- FSU, France
- Générations Futures, France
- Ingénieurs Sans Frontières, France
- ISF Agrista, France
- JDMO-AGRI, France
- Les Amis du Monde diplomatique, France
- LORAMAP Réseau Lorrain des AMAP, France
- MAN Centre Alsace, France
- MIRAMAP – Mouvement Inter-Régional des AMAP, France
- Mouvement national lycéen (MNL), France
- Notre Affaire A Tous, France
- Peuples Solidaires, France
- Peuples Solidaires Doubs, France
- Peuples solidaires Le Mans – La Suze, France
- Peuples solidaires Nancy, France
- Peuples solidaires pays d’aubagne, France
- Peuples solidaires région lilloise, France
- Réseau Action Climat France, France
- SAS Champ’etre, France
- Slow Food en France, France
- SOL Alternatives Agroécologiques et Solidaires, France
- Terre & Humanisme, France
- Union Syndicale Solidaires, France
- Aktion GEN-Klage, Germany
- Aktionsgemeinschaft Solidarische Welt e.V., Germany
- Arbeitsgemeinschaft bäuerliche Landwirtschaft (AbL) e.V., Deutschland
- Association of Ethical Shareholders Germany, Germany
- Attac Berlin, Germany
- ATTAC Frankfurt/Main, Germany
- Attac Germany, Germany
- Attac Hamburg, Germany
- Berliner Wassertisch, Germany
- Bloque Latinoamericano Berlin, Germany
- Buendnis Gerechter Welthandel Muenchen, Germany
- Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz (BUND) e.V., Germany
- BUND Landesverband Hessen e.V., Germany
- BUNDjugend / Young Friends of the Earth Germany, Germany
- Bündnis “Gemeinsam gegen die Tierindustrie”, Germany, Austria
- Bündnis Gerechter Welthandel Darmstadt, Germany
- Christians for Future, Germany
- Christians For Future Hannover, Germany
- Christliche Initiative Romero e.V., Germany
- Colombia Network Germany, Germany
- Coordination gegen BAYER-Gefahren (CBG), Germany
- DEAB e.V. (Dachverband Entwicklungspolitik Baden-Württemberg), Deutschland
- DGB Ortsverband Griesheim, Germany
- Eine-Welt-Forum Mannheim e.V., Germany
- Ernährungsrat Münster e. V., Germany
- FARBE eV Freiburg, Germany
- FDCL-Center for Research and Documentation Chile-Latin America, Germany
- FIAN Deutschland e.V., Germany
- foodsharing e.V., Germany
- German NGO Forum on Environment & Development, Germany
- Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker, Germany
- GEW Hessen, Germany
- Heidelberger Bündnis für gerechten Welthandel, Deutschland
- IG NAchbau, Deutschland
- Informationsstelle Lateinamerika (ila) e.V. Bonn, Germany
- Informationsstelle Peru e.V., Germany
- KlimaEntscheid Münster, Germany
- Klimanetz Heidelberg, Deutschland
- KoBra – Kooperation Brasilien e.V., Germany
- Konstanzer Bündnis für gerechten Welthandel, Deutschland
- LSV, Deutschland
- LSV EL/NOH, Germany
- Mannheimer Bündnis gerechter Welthandel, Deutschland
- Misereor, Germany
- Nachrichtenpool Lateinamerika e.V., Germany
- NaturFreunde Deutschlands, Deutschland
- Naturfreunde Mannheim, Deutschland
- Netzwerk gerechter Welthandel, Germany
- Netzwerk Gerechter Welthandel Baden-Württemberg, Deutschland
- Netzwerk Solidarische Landwirtschaft e.V., Germany
- Ökumenisches Büro für Frieden und Gerechtigkeit e.V. (Oficina para la Paz y la Justicia en Munich), Alemania
- Parents and People for Future Mannheim, Germany
- Parents for Future Bonn, Germany
- Parents For Future Hannover, Germany
- PowerShift e.V., Germany
- PRO MenschNatur Mittelbaden, Deutschland
- ProWaldProWind Heidelberg, Germany
- Rettet den Regenwald, Germany
- Robin Wood e.V., Germany
- Slow Food Pfaffenwinkel, Germany
- treemedia e.V., Germany
- Umweltinstitut München, Germany
- Urgewald, Germany
- VCD Regionalverband Münsterland, Germany
- Ver.di Südhessen, Germany
- Waldwende Heidelberg, Germany
- Weltladen e.V., Deutschland
- Werkhof Darmstadt e.V., Germany
- Werkstatt Ökonomie e.V., Germany
- Initiative 136, Greece
- Naturefriends Greece, Greece
- Instituto para el Futuro Común Amerindio IFCA, Honduras
- Clean Air Action Group, Hungary
- Green Action Association, Hungary
- Magosfa Foundation, Hungary
- Magyar Természetvédők Szövetsége / Friends of the Earth Hungary, Hungary
- An Claíomh Glas, Ireland
- An Taisce-The National Trust for Ireland, Ireland
- Environmental Law Ireland, Ireland
- Friends of the Earth Ireland, Ireland
- Talamh Beo, Ireland
- Attac Italia, Italia
- Coordinamento nord sud del mondo, Italia
- ASTM (Action Solidarité Tiers Monde asbl), Luxembourg
- Mouvement Ecologique asbl, Luxembourg
- Asociación Ecológica Santo Tomás, A.C., Mexico
- Centro de Promoción y Educación Profesional “vasco de Quiroga”, Mexico
- Enlace Comunicación y Capacitación A.C., México
- Fronteras Comunes, Mexico
- NEB No es Basura, México
- Otros Mundos Chiapas, México
- RMALC, México
- ECO-TIRAS International Association of River Keepers, Moldova
- Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO), Netherlands
- FNV Dutch Trade Union, Netherlands
- Foodwatch, Netherlands
- Handel Anders! coalitie, Netherlands
- Water Justice and Gender, Netherlands
- Both ENDS, Netherlands
- Milieudefensie, Netherlands
- Platform Aarde Boer Consument, Netherlands
- Voedsel Anders NL, Netherlands
- Working group Food Justice, Netherlands
- Latin-Amerikagruppene i Norge, Norway
- Rainforest Foundation Norway, Norway
- Articulación de ollas populares “PYKU’I”, Paraguay
- BASE Investigaciones Sociales (BASE-IS), Paraguay
- Comité Estudiantil Félix H. Agüero, Paraguay
- Heñói, Paraguay
- Plataforma Paraguay Mejor Sin Libre Comercio, Paraguay
- Savia, Paraguay
- SOBREVIVENCIA / Friends of the Earth Paraguay, Paraguay
- Sociedad de Economía Política del Paraguay, Paraguay
- Red Peruana por una Globalización con Equidad (RedGE), Perú
- Polish Ecological Club in Gliwice, Poland
- Polish Zero Waste Association, Poland
- BioPorto – Grupo de Acção Ambiental, Portugal
- Ecomood Portugal, Portugal
- FAPAS – Associação Portuguesa para a Conservação da Biodiversidade, Portugal
- Íris – Associação Nacional de Ambiente, Portugal
- Plataforma Transgénicos Fora, Portugal
- Rede Para o Decrescimento, Portugal
- Reforma Florestal Já-Por Pedrógão por Portugal, Portugal
- TROCA- Plataforma por um Comércio Internacional Justo, Portugal
- Batani Foundation, Russia/USA
- Focus, Association for Sustainable Development / Friends of the Earth Slovenia, Slovenia
- GADIP, Gender and Development in Practice, Sweden
- Jordens Vänner / Friends of the Earth Sweden, Sweden
- NOrdBruk, Sweden
- Solifonds, Switzerland
- Genç Düşünce Enstitüsü, Türkiye
- Fresh Eyes, United Kingdom
- Global Witness, UK
- Brighter Green, U.S.
- Casa de Sara, United States
- Local Futures, USA
- Strategies for Ethical & Environmental Development (SEED), United States
- REDES-AT/Amigos de la Tierra Uruguay, Uruguay
- Emmaus International, Zimbabwe
- Zimbabwe Climate Change Coalition, Zimbabwe
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