Over 50 civil society groups demand a paradigm shift in EU trade and investment policies
Brussels, 26 November 2013 – Today, a European alliance of over 50 civil society organisations [1] will launch the Alternative Trade Mandate [2], a proposal to make EU trade and investment policy work for people and the planet, not just the profit interests of a few. The launch is taking place as EU trade ministers and the European Commission are leaving for the World Trade Organisation (WTO) negotiations in Bali next week (…)
EU-Canada Trade Agreement: more than 100 organizations sign transatlantic statement opposing dangerous investor “rights” chapter in CETA
25 November 2013, Brussels, Ottawa and Quebec City – As European and Canadian trade officials meet again in Brussels to continue negotiating an investment protection chapter in the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), transatlantic civil society groups are demanding that this chapter be removed entirely as an affront to democracy, an attack on the independent judiciary, and a threat to climate change and our shared environment. Read or download the sign on letter and the list of the organisations suporrting it (…)
2nd Round of TTIP in Brussels: joint letter of US and EU organisations
As the second round of negotiation for a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership happens in Brussels on 11-15 November, 2013, almost 100 organisations from Europe and the US have been raising their voice. The letter shows their concerns about the negotiations and state their opposition to the use of behind-closed-door trade negotiations to change and lower public interest measures for the sake of commercial interests (Read or download the letter and the list of signing organisations)
Join us for the Launch of the Alternative Trade Mandate campaign – 26/27 November, Brussels
The ATM belief is that Europe´s trade has to be fundamentally changed. Our alternative respects human rights, and is democratically controlled by parliamentarians and the public. It is ecological, respects gender equality and creates justice between countries, social classes and ethnicities. We propose a trade policy that increases economic, social and environmental well-being globally. On 26 and 27 November, shortly before the next ministerial of the World Trade Organisation in Bali, we want to present this alternative to the world (…)
Civil Society concerns for EU-Morocco deal
Civil society organisations in Morocco and Arab countries warn of potential negative effect on development, human rights, and the future of productive sectors as a result of the negotiations between Morocco and the EU for a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA) (…)DCFTAs
EU-US Trade and Investment deal: strategies to face the threats of TTIP
Invitation to a European strategy meeting for civil society organisations in Brussels, 12-13 December 2013. The objective of the meeting is to bring together representatives of civil society organisations and social movements from across Europe that want to better understand the threats posed by the TTIP and want to work in a coordinated way to build a common strategy facing the proposed deal. Read or download the full invitation and info on registration.
EU-US trade deal will lead to a race to the bottom where only big business wins, warns new report
Brussels, October 4th 2013 – As the second round of negotiations on the proposed EU-US trade agreement has been cancelled after the US Government shutdown, a new report published by the Seattle to Brussels Network today reveals the true human and environmental costs of an EU-US Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP/TAFTA). The report shows that the promises of job creation and growth are illusions; and that the real impetus behind a deal comes from major EU and US corporations that have joined forces to remove as many labour, health and environmental standards as possible in a devastating race to the bottom. Read the S2B Press Release and the full report A Brave New Transatlantic Partnership (…)
ATM Online Consultation is open
After a long and ispiring process a draft version of the Alternative Trade Mandate document has been finalized. We hope you will find it strong and ispiring. You can read it in english, in French and in Spanish. It is important to receive your feedbacks, comments and proposals to improve it. To join the online consultation click here and send your feedback before October 25th to alternativetrademandate@gmail.com.
Call to Stop the TISA Negotiations!
16 September 2013 – As governments meet in Geneva to negotiate a proposed Trade in Services Agreement (TISA), 341 organizations representing hundreds of millions of people from nearly every developing and developed country, called on governments to abandon the talks. Among the endorsers were 42 major international and regional networks, such as Public Services International (PSI), UNI Global Union, the European Federation of Public Services Unions (EPSU), the IndustriALL Global Union, the International Union of Food and Allied Workers (IUF), and the ATTAC European network (…)
Unravelling the spin: a guide to corporate rights in the EU-US trade deal
9 July, 2013 – This week marks the first round of negotiations for a far-reaching transatlantic trade deal. In the face of growing opposition to plans for expanded corporate powers in the proposed pact, the European Commission is trying to dispel concerns with propaganda. See through the rosy PR with Corporate Europe Observatoryìs guide to investor-state dispute settlement (…)
No to a corporate driven agreement
Remained unheard the demands to stop the negotiations, which arose after the scandal of the spying activities of the NSA on European representatives, the first round of negotiations of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Agreement (TTIP, aka TAFTA) is starting today, Monday 8th July in Washington, DC. With an open letter to President Obama, EU Commission President Barroso and EU Council President Van Rompuy, more than 60 organisations from Europe and the US have raised their voice. The letter shows their concerns about the coming negotiations and state their opposition to the use of behind-closed-door trade negotiations to change and lower public interest measures for the sake of commercial interests (…).
EU and US business to profit from the crisis?
Friday 14 June, 2013 – The Foreign Affairs Council of the EU approves the mandate for the negotiations of a EU-US Free Trade agreement with the U.S.A. (called Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership agreement- TTIP). After the green light received from the Council, the Commission will start negotiating with the US in July. It is already clear the concerns of civil society organisations (consumers, trade unions and NGOs), of the European Parliament and of Member States, will not be addressed (…)
Investor privileges in EU-US trade deal threaten public interest and democracy
Leaked draft versions of the EU negotiating mandate for a far-reaching free trade agreement with the US – to be approved at next week’s trade minister meeting (14 June) – reveal the European Commission’s plans to enshrine more powers for corporations in the deal. The proposal follows a persistent campaign by industry lobby groups and law firms to empower large companies to challenge regulations both at home and abroad if they affect their profits. As a result, EU member states could soon find domestic laws to protect the public interest challenged in secretive, offshore tribunals where national laws have no weight and politicians no powers to intervene. Publication of TNI & CEO, June 2013 (…)
Investor-state dispute resolution: Will the EU-US trade deal encourage attacks on the public interest?
AK Europa, ÖGB Europabüro, the Seattle to Brussels Network (S2B) and the Transatlantic Consumer Dialogue (TACD) invite you to a public discussion of civil society with MEPs, Council & Commission, on Tuesday, June 4th 2013, 14.00-16.00, Résidence Palace International Press Centre, Brussels, Polak Room. In June, the EU and the US will launch negotiations for a far-reaching free trade and investment agreement, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). As part of this deal, the European Commission and the US government want to negotiate a so called investor-to-state dispute settlement mechanism (…)
US and EU preparing to launch negotiations in June 2013
According to what US and European sources say, the official launch of the negotiations might happen during the G8 meeting taking place June 17 to 18 in Northern Ireland. Apparently 3 round of negotiations are already planned this year: the first negotiating round in the week of July 8 in Brussels, followed by a mid-September round and a mid-December round (…)
International Investment Agreements – World Civil Society Statement
May 2013 – Statement of social movements and civil society organisations regarding the proposals of the I Ministerial Conference of Latin American States affected by the interests of transnationals. The statement calls for an alternative legal framework for international economic relations. Its signatories welcomed the radical steps announced by Latin American and Caribbean governments in a Ministerial Declaration which had been issued at the first Ministerial Conference of Latin American States affected by transnational interests, held in Guayaquil, Ecuador, on 22 April (…)
Chevron calls for strong investor rights chapter in US-EU trade deal; will be able to use CETA to challenge EU policy in meantime
U.S. energy giant Chevron (profits $26.2 billion USD) is encouraging the United States to pursue a strong NAFTA-like investment chapter and investor-state dispute settlement process in the proposed Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) with the European Union. Article by Stuart Trew (Council of Canadians), May 14th, 2013
INTA Resolution on EU-US trade deal
Once more the EU institutions are hardly able to back up the main concerns of the civil society. Last 25 April 2013 the EU Parliament International Trade Committee adopted a Motion, proposed by the President Vital Moreira, to be discussed by the European Parliament in May, about EU trade and investment negotiations with the USA. INTA motion fails in using properly the few powers given to the Parliament on trade and investment. Instead of designing a model of trade and investment policy in the interests of the people and the planet, the INTA proposal backs up the vision of the Commission of a corporate-agenda as the EU way out of the crisis. The motion was approved with 23 votes in favour, 5 against (2 Greens and 2 GUE/Left and one S&D), and one abstension (…)
EU-Canada trade agreement threatens fracking bans
Amsterdam/Brussels/Ottawa, May 6th.- The proposed Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between the European Union (EU) and Canada would grant energy companies far-reaching rights to challenge bans and regulations of environmentally damaging shale gas development (fracking), a new briefing by Corporate Europe Observatory, The Council of Canadians and the Transnational Institute shows. New Briefing from CEO, TNI and Council of Canadians
Is Europe hungry enough to accept a deal with the US?
Social, labour and environmental rights on both sides of the Atlantic are under fire: a first comment to the EU draft mandate for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) (…)
Following its non-transparent practice in trade and investment policy making, last 13 March the EU Commission adopted a “restraint” Recommendation for a Council Decision authorising the opening of negotiations on a comprehensive trade and investment agreement, called the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, between the European Union and the United States of America. The online magazine Inside US Trade published this draft mandate on 28 March 2013 (reprinted by permission) (…)
Alert! Call for mobilisation
President Barack Obama, EU Council President Van Rompuy and EU Commission President Barroso committed on Feb 13 to start EU-US trade and investment negotiations, which may strongly affect social, labor and environmental rights in both sides of the Atlantic and deepen global trade and investment liberalization. Indeed, elites from both sides explicitly aim at greater transatlantic regulatory convergence and harmonization of future regulations between the EU and the US, in the only interests of transnational corporations and financial industry. Join us to oppose this “free trade” agenda (…). Look at our collection of Analysis/Opinions.
Winners of ACTA and SOPA Battles Call for Exclusion of “Intellectual Property” From EU-U.S. Trade Talks
18 March 2013 – Planned trade negotiations between the United States and the European Union should exclude any provisions related to patents, copyright, trademarks, data protection, geographical indications or other forms of so-called “intellectual property” (IP), a transatlantic coalition of 45 consumer, public health and Internet freedom groups said in a civil society declaration (…)
Investors running wild on land
Traidcraft Briefing note published on January 2013 “Investors running wild on land: the threats posed by international investment agreements”. Against the backdrop of the ever-present challenge of food security in the 21st century, large tracts of land are being bought up by foreign investors around the globe with little attention being paid to the governance of these deals.
BITs that bite into budgets: will the EP let private lawyers decide?
Public discussion of civil society with MEPs, Council & Commission – Tuesday, February 26th 2013, 10.00 – 12.00 Résidence Palace – International Press Centre, Brussels – The European Union has acquired exclusive competence to negotiate international investment agreements such as Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs). These agreements typically include investor-to-state dispute settlement (ISDS) mechanisms, which allow foreign investors to bring claims against states in which they made an investment. ISDS has far-reaching implications for the budgets of the European Union and of Member States. The final decisions over these payments will, however, not be taken by democratically elected bodies or by independent judges, but by private lawyers in ISDS tribunals (…)
Alternative Trade Mandate Alliance Meeting
On April 10 th nd 11 th 2013, in Brussels, Presentation of our Alternative Trade Mandate: a document challenging the neo-liberal consensus and proposing a positive, progressive alternative to Europe?s trade and investment policy. Over the last two years ATM members have been meeting, discussing, debating and writing together to create the content for a radical alternative vision for the way that the EU institutions develop trade and investment policy and for the objectives that are pursued in global negotiations: The Alternative Trade Mandate (…)
Transatlantic statement opposing excessive investor rights in CETA
6 February 2013 – EU – Canada negotiations – Ahead of a two-day meeting in Ottawa between European Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht and Canadian International Trade Minister Ed Fast, where the two hoped to move forward the negotiations of the Comprehensive Economic a´nd Trade Agreement (CETA), a number of labour, environmental, indigenous, women’s, academic, health sector and fair trade organizations from Europe, Canada and Quebec representing more than 65 million people are demanding that Canada and the EU stop negotiating an excessive and controversial investor rights chapter in the proposed CETA. Full statement and list of signing organisations available here. Statement also available in French
European and Canadian Workers United in their Concerns about the EU-Canada Trade negotiations
In a joint statement released on 24 January 2013, the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) and the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) have taken a common position on the on-going negotiations of a bilateral Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between the EU and Canada (…)
European Commission taken to court over India-EU trade pact
In an oral hearing at the EU’s General Court in Luxembourg on Friday, 11 January 2013, the EU Commission defended its practice of sharing sensitive information with big business lobby groups while withholding the same information from the general public. The hearing took place in the context of Corporate Europe’s Observatory’s lawsuit, suing the EU Commission for withholding information related to the EU’s free trade talks with India. The Commission is accused of discriminating in favour of corporate lobby groups and of violating the EU’s transparency rules (…).
People’s Summit of Latin America, the Caribbean and Europe against EU free trade and investment policies
The social movements and political organizations of the Latin American continent and of Europe met during the People’s Summit in Santiago de Chile from January 25th through 27th, at the same time as the Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC and the European Union (EU). Read the final declaration (in Spanish) or look at the pictures of the summit.
After the INTA Committee vote in favour of the ratification, the plenary of the European Parliament is going to vote the ratification of the Free Trade Agreement on next Tuesday 11th December. For this last week towards the vote, a number of organisations in Europe and Latin America are inviting to support the initiatives: – sending to MEPs the declarations against the FTA ratification (enclosed here in English, Spanish and French); – inviting again individuals to use the buttons “In my name don’t ratify”; joining the Cyber-Action that is sending thousands emails to MEPs demanding to vote No to the ratification.
EU to promote illegal money trafficking from Colombia and Peru?
A new report written by Myriam Van der Stichele from SOMO, and commissioned by the GUE/NGL Group, was presented on 5th December at the European Parliament. It reveals that with the signature of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between the EU, Colombia and Peru, there is a great risk of increased economic instability, tax evasion and even laundering of drug money. In next week’s plenary session in Strasbourg, MEPs will vote on the FTA between the EU, Colombia and Peru (…)
Profiting from Injustice -How law firms, arbitrators and financiers are fuelling an investment arbitration boom
A study by Cecilia Olivet and Pia Eberhardt, published by TNI and CEO has been published. A small club of international law firms, arbitrators and financial speculators are fuelling an investment arbitration boom that is costing taxpayers billions of dollars and preventing legislation in the public interest. The full study is available here. Executive summary available in English, German, Dutch and French.
Beginner’s guide to the EU trade and Investment Policy
The Seattle to Brussels Network developed this Trade Reader as a beginners guide to the EU trade and investment policy. It is written in English and translations are being finalised in French. Some of the key articles have been also translated into Arabic, in order to raise awareness of the EU policy in Arab and Mediterranean Countries, especially after the EU launched its Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreements with Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia (…)
Canada-EU Free Trade: Leaked EU Document Sheds Light On Negotiations
The EU is pushing to give further privileges to investors, allowing them to demand compensations from public authorities (both European and Canadian) for any losses that stem from changes to health, environment or safety rules. Furthermore, the EU is pushing for a policy that is undermining Canada’s – and the EU’s – policy space on financial regulation. Although the EU, like many others, admits that Canada has “high level of regulatory oversight” and Canada fears a “potential systemic impact”, as indeed the financial crisis has shown, the EU does not want a prudential carve out regarding investment protection. EU leaked documents are available here. Our position: we do not want any Investor to State Dispute Settlement Mechanism in the Canada Europe Trade Agreement, as in any EU investment treaty.
S2B Letter to MEPs members of the INTA Committee
At the moment the European Parliament is asked to examine proposals that would make the EU financially responsible for policies targeted by private investor claims and that would allow the EU budget, i.e. EU tax payers’ money to be used to pay investment arbitration awards (see Vattenfall vs Germany, or the first case of a Chinese investor suing a EU Member State). The S2B Network wrote to the International Commitee Parliamentarians to demand that EU investment agreements do not grant access to international investor-to-state dispute settlement mechanisms (…).
Petition to the EU Parliament – NO EU Colombia Peru FTA
On October 10th, a petition was addressed to the European Parliament by Latin American and European organizations, networks and communities not to ratify thise trade agreement. Read or download the petition and the press realeases (…)
EU Central America, Colombia and Peru – Press Conference
The Association Agreements between the European Union and Central America and the Free Trade Agreement between the EU, Colombia and Peru, will be ratified in the coming months after a controversial negotiation process. The European and Latin American civil society has pointed out on numerous occasions to the European Parliament that these Agreements do not fulfill the minimum criteria to meet the economic imbalance between the two regions or ensure compliance with the main objectives of the EU to promote sustainable development and respect for human rights. Press conference 10th OCTOBER AT 11h00 AT SALLE PASSAGE, RESIDENCE PALACE, Passage Room, 155, rue de la Loi, 1040 Brussels (…)
Panel Debate – EPAs: 10 years negotiations are enough?
27 September 2012, Residence Palace, Brussels from 9:30-11:30 am. On the 27 September 2012, the negotiations for EPAs with ACP countries mark their 10 year anniversary. But it is not really a time for celebration. 10 years on, EPAs negotiations continue to be fraught with concerns that far from supporting development efforts and promoting regional integration, the EPA?s will do more harm than good. Organisation of AITEC, Afrikagrupperna, Comlamh, Oxfam Germany, Traidcraft, WEED, and 11.11.11; Both Ends (…)
Mubarak’s, Ben Ali’s and other Arab governments have signed agreements with the European Union (EU) locking these countries into exporting cheap goods and services to Europe, often based on indecent labour; and importing European competitive products that destroy small businesses and jobs. After the Arab Revolutions, instead of renegotiating those agreements, the EU is trying to gain even deeper liberalisation, launching Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreements with Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan and Morocco. Read or download a flyer in Arabic or French (English translation available here)
The Alternative Trade Mandate Alliance, Press Release
No more business as usual: activists set out alternative trade agenda – Alternative Trade Mandate Alliance Launch, 26-27 June, Brussels. Fuelled by short-term interest and over-inflated financial markets, the current neo-liberal trade model is generating increasing inequality across Europe and the developing world. As outrage builds about the parlous state of our economies, a critical mass of European activists are pushing for a radical alternative to the EU trade agenda (…)
Setting the Agenda: launching the Altrernative Trade Mandate Campaign
Two inspiring days of ideas and action with the Alternative Trade Mandate Alliance. From Tuesday, June 26th (start 1 pm) until Wednesday, June 27th (5pm) 2012 at 11.11.11, Vlasfabriekstraat 11, 1060 Brussels (…)
Vattenfall vs Germany
In May 2012 the Swedish energy company Vattenfall filed a request for arbitration against Germany at the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), housed at the World Bank in Washington, D.C., because of Germany´s decision to phase out nuclear energy. 2 Vattenfall relies on its rights under the Energy Charter Treaty, an international trade and investment agreement in the energy sector. A publication from TNI, SOMO and POWER SHIFT (…)
Press Release
Vote in the European Parliament: is liberalisation the answer to Arab revolutions? On year ago, populations in North Africa were in the streets to claim democracy and social justice. These two demands are under threat with the vote on Thursday 10th May, in the European Parliament: a resolution supporting the liberalization of trade and investment for serious engagement and for the EU to display political leadership under the lovely title ?trade for change? (…)
Rio+20 Mobilisations
The People’s Summit for Social and Environmental Justice during Rio+20 is an event organized by global civil society that will take place between the 15th and the 23rd of June at Flamengo, in Rio de Janeiro – alongside the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD), Rio+20 (…)
No to the EU-Colombia/Peru FTA Ratification
In My Name, don´t ratify! – Sign and send a letter to your MEPs to reject the ratification of the Free Trade Agreements and Association Agreements between the European Union and Colombia, Perú and Central America (in 4 languages)
Call on Governments to Strengthen, Not Weaken, UNCTAD’s Role
Sign-on Letter with 38 International and 137 National Organizations from Across the Globe. Delivered to Negotiators at UNCTAD XIII in Doha (…)
Joint Social Conference 2012
On 29th and 30th March 2012 the second Joint Social Conference took place in Brussels. The participants approved the following declaration: Resisting Financial Dictatorship – Reclaiming Democracy and Social Rights – Political Declaration & Coordinated Action- JSC 2012. Read or download it in English or French.
DCFTAs – A threat to the aspirations of tne Arab Revolutions
EU Deep and Comprehensive Trade Agreements: A Threat to the Aspirations of
the Arab Revolutions – A Seattlle to Brussels Paper by Michel Cermak (CNCD-11.11.11), Amélie Cannonne (Aitec) and Roeline Knottnerus (SOMO)(…)
Alternative World Water Forum
DECLARATION OF THE PARTICIPANTS AT THE ALTERNATIVE WORLD WATER FORUM IN MARSEILLE, 14 ? 17 march 2012. As members of the global water justice movement gathered together in Marseille in March 2012 at FAME (Alternative World Water Forum), we have a shared vision of water: water is a commons, not a commodity (read or download the declaration in English, French or Spanish)
Trade Unions discuss EU-India FTA
International Metalworkers Federation South Asia Office organized a workshop on EU India Free Trade Agreement on February 14 and 15 in New Delhi. Representatives of Indian national trade union centres and Indian affiliates of IMF, BWI, ITGLWF, UNI, ICEM exchanged views on trade policies and implications for development and employment with IMF affiliates from France, Italy, Canada, Argentina and Japan (…)
S2B Press Release
Make no mistake: the EU’s trade policy is about the EU’s offensive corporate interests – On Friday January 27th, the European Commission (EC) released a Communication entitled “Trade, growth and Development – Tailoring trade and investment policy for those countries most in need”. The Seattle to Brussels Network finds this title grossly misleading (…)