ISDS: Spreading the disease instead of looking for a cure
Why the Commission’s alleged ISDS ‘reforms’ fail to address the key problems Analysis by the Seattle to Brussels Network 6 May 2015 On 5 May 2015, the European Trade Commissioner Malmström presented a number of proposals to “further improve” investment…
Lawyers subverting the public interest
Lobby group EFILA's stake in investment arbitration In response to growing public criticism of international investment law, a new lobby group has emerged, EFILA, seeking to influence European officials. This briefing exposes how EFILA represents an attempt by the arbitration…
International Investment Agreements Under Scrutiny
Bilateral Investment Treaties, EU Investment Policy and International Development International investment agreements (IIAs) pose serious threats to democracy and the rule of law, important European values to which we are committed in our trade policy; to public interests in social,…
EU-Myanmar Investment Treaty will block democratic transition
S2B Statement on EU-Myanmar Investment Treaty: An investment treaty will block democratic transition Today the first round of negotiations will start between the EU and Myanmar over an investment treaty. The members of S2B are of the opinion that an…
TTIP: Regulatory Cooperation – a Threat to Democracy
Video on regulatory cooperation in the TTIP negotiations, a joint project of SumOfUs, Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO), LobbyControl, Seattle to Brussels Network and Campact.
Socialising Losses, Privatising Gains
How Dutch investment treaties harm the public interest Dutch investment treaties (BITs) are frequently used by foreign companies to sue governments in the North and South for policies that might harm their future profits. In 75 per cent of the Dutch BIT cases…
No to ISDS in TTIP
Over 97% of us said no to special tribunals for businesses to sue governments when new laws that protect citizens and the environment get in the way of their profits. This is one of many dangerous measures in a possible…
Commission consultation on investor rights in TTIP makes a mockery of democracy
Campaigners from the Seattle to Brussels Network (S2B) have criticised the European Commission’s consultation on investor rights in the proposed EU-US trade deal (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, TTIP) as a mockery of democracy aimed at selling its pro-industry agenda,…
1 Million Signatures against TTIP and CETA
JUNCKER RECEIVES BIRTHDAY SURPRISE: ONE MILLION SIGNATURES OPPOSING TTIP AND CETA Press release, 09/12/2014 Self-organised European Citizens’ Initiative asks Commission to blow out the candles on trade deals The Stop TTIP coalition, consisting of more than 320 civil society organisations…
EU Investment Policy: Looking behind closed doors
Late March 2014 the Directorate-General for Trade in the European Commission (DG Trade) launched a public consultation on the inclusion of a controversial investment protection chapter and investor-to-state dispute (ISDS) settlement process in the EU-US Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership…
The case of Newmont Mining vs Indonesia
Netherlands – Indonesia BIT rolls back implementation of new Indonesian mining law The case of Newmont Mining vs Indonesia is a powerful example of how investment agreements are used by companies to get exemptions from government regulations and legislation, undermining…