The European Trade Justice Coalition is a network of member organisations within European countries. Members include economic justice, development, environment, human rights, womens’ and farmers’ organisations, trade unions, social movements and research institutes and include organisations in countries outside of the EU.
If you are an organisation wishing to join the coalition:
- Read the European Trade Justice Coalitions objectives and aims to see if your organisation is in agreement with these positions.
- You may wish to contact the coalition’s coordination to express the organisation’s interest and discuss joining – contact
- Find two active member organisations of the European Trade Justice Coalition who can vouch for you to the network.
- Ask those members to write to us giving their support to your organisation’s membership. If this should not be an option for you, the coalition can still consider your organisation’s membership and would base its decision on the basis of publicly available information about your organisation and its work. However it will make the process go more smoothly if you are able to find vouching organisations.
It is also possible to get involved in the campaigns and information sharing of the European Trade Justice Coalition without being a member – we run all of our campaigns with allies and have several email lists on particular issues and trade processes that are open to groups beyond the member organisations. Please contact the coordinator to find out more.